Friday, November 18, 2011

Forensic sorted out SEQz (sendup papers 2011)

   *Important* Anything you find that is not at the right place,leave your comment for that.Thankyou.
    *what are autopsy findings in case of throttling? (CPMC)
    * WHAT IS?(AIMC)
      Give biochemical changes in
      a. asphyxia(PMC)
      Give forensic classifation of aspyxial death(MMDC)
    * Write notes on auto erotic asphyxia(SIMS)
    * Define Lynching,garroting&mugging(MMDC)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pathology Sorted out SEQz (sendups 2011)

 **IMPORTANT**: You may find some clinical scenarios that are not under the right unit heading.In that case, kindly inform so that it may be placed in the right unit.Thanks
General Pathology

1-Cell injury and adaptation

-Define apoptosis. give 2 examples of this process (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-role of mitochondria in Cell injury.(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
--Define Necrosis? 3 types of necrosis with examples? (FMH)
-Define and classify types of necrosis?morphological changes in necrosis? (MMDC)
-consequences of decreased ATP during cell injury??2 differneces bw metastatic and dystrophic clacification? (NSMC)
-65 yr old man died after an episode of severe chest pain.examination revealed loss of cross striations and the nuclei in cardiac muscle fibers but tissue features remained as such. type of cellular change? what type of injury may be caused to myocardium with thrombolytic therapy in management of MI? mechanism for such inury? 4 pathologic conditions which lead to apoptosis? (WMC)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pharma Sendups 2011-sorted out SEQz

Pharma:: TOS
 General Pharma 1SEQ
 Autonomic Nervous System 1SEQ
 Central Nervous System 1SEQ
 NSAIDs + Blood 0.5=0.5
 Cardiovascular System 1SEQ
 Endo 1 SEQ

 Gastrointestinal tract+Respiration 0.5+0.5

 1st 4 chapters of chemo 1 SEQ
 Antimycobacterial drugs/antifungal/antimalarial 1 SEQ
 anticancer+Antiviral drugs 0.5+0.5

Friday, November 4, 2011



(ARTICLE BY: Hina Fatima, 3rd Year MBBS, Rawalpindi Medical College)

The term osteoporosis as defined by The National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference reveals “a disease of increased skeletal fragility accompanied by a low bone mineral density (a T score for bone mineral density lower than 2.5) and microarchitectural deterioration”.
Postmenopausal osteoporosis,however strongly refers to

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gen. Pathology MCQz (Sendup paper RMC 2011)



Time allowed: 65 minutes Marks: 65

65 MCQs distributed according to modules, with Topic of Specifications.

Attempt all questions, each question carries one mark

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

USMLE step 1 Experience-2 (95/227)

Ali Usman shares his Usmle step 1 experience.

Here I am! finally the day has come when its over…
Took my exam on august 5th and the result is out today…
I have upcoming final yr exams without any prep…but I am happy that the reason I ignored final yr has paid off well and I am ending up with a decent score…
In my view…it’s a good score…the baseline for

USMLE step 1 Experience-1 (99/242)

Someone shared his experience of usmle step 1. Just to share it with you you go.
99/242 during Final Year-My Experience

Got my result ... and alhamdulillah its 99\242

My post would be a bit different in a way that it is much of guidance for those who want to take the test during their course. But it may generally be helpful for all others too.

I took the test in final year mbbs out of very odds.. cos there was not much of a trend in king edward medical university to go for the test during the course.. but owing to few of my seniors i had

Saturday, October 29, 2011

3rd year patho send up result...clear format

Addressing The Problems Faced By 1st Year Medical Students

Reaching a top-profession institute like a medical college is dream and desire of every passionate student. Every student who aspires to choose the profession of medicine and does all the studies devotedly and passionately, finally reaches the rank of those who are considered the cream of nation's education and are admitted into a medical college.

At this point, he considers himself as one of the most successful persons in the world and rightly so. He would be able to continue his studies without

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How To Lose weight- Day to day Plan

Electives Experience in Pakistan (Holy Family Hospital, RMC, Rawalpindi)

Kathleen O’Dea from The University of Queensland Australia recently came to SU Unit 2 Holy
Family Hospital for a month long clinical elective. Read on as she describes her experience

Prof Asif Zafar Malik, who was the clinical preceptor, is head of Surgical Unit II at Holy Family Hospital and project
director of the Telemedicine e]health training centre there. Week 1 and 2 were mostly spent in Surgical Unit II
at Holy Family hospital.
Jan 15 Introduction to SU II : Staff include 12 junior doctors, 12 postgraduate trainees, & 5 consultants. This team is
responsible for half of the general surgical and orthopedic patients presenting to Holy Family Hospital and cares for
a 45 bed ward, usually full. The team is on call to

How to lose weight - Day 6 plan

Well, coming to the plan of 6th day on "how to lose your weight", first see how much are you satisfied with your routine and how well you have adjusted everything in your daily routine. Be honest with yourself about following the routine and evaluating the results because this is where it matters where this is heading to. Just give your everything to it if you really want to get smart and look kool. Just remember

Sunday, October 2, 2011

USMLE - A beginner's guide

What is USMLE?

USMLE, United States Medical Licensing Examination, is US based examination system to get license for practice in US. Medical students need to clear USMLE steps before applying for residency in U.S based hospitals. This 3-step examination aims to assess the ability to apply the knowledge, concept and ability to diagnose, treat and manage the patient in an effectice and patient-centered environment.
It is governed by

How to lose weight - Day 5 plan

Well, before we start our day 5 plan, just look back and see what improvements u have to make. Where you have been lousy, where u can put more effort. Be honest with what you do. Moving on with today's plan, get up early and go for jogging. Try to go an extra mile as far as you can. The actual effort that counts is when you are about to

Friday, September 30, 2011

A guide to clinical Electives

Going for clinical electives in a developed country like UK, USA or canada has always been a dream for medical students. Electives are considered to b a good step for career building of a medical student. First of all, lets talk about what are electives in the medical world?
what are electives?
Clinical electives consist of a short duration course in a specific field where the

Profs, Medical students and Dengue- behind the scenes and after effects.

Dengue proved out to be a major epidemic this year in Pakistan which affected people from all fields of life including medical students. Many of the medical students were affected by dengue right before their annual professional exams were about to commence. This led to a serious problem because they were not able to prepare for their exams. It was just two days before that all the students specially from

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to lose weight - Day 4 plan

Exercise can be very refreshing not only for your body but also for your mind. The best time to jog is morning before you go to work. Try this today, wake up before sunrise and jog in fresh breez jog for upto 45 minutes. Get back home and dry yourself and take a bath. Remember never to take bath right aftr you exercise. It is dangerous. Always relax yourself a bit after exercise. Try doing yoga for it. Now how to do yoga, right after you jog and get back home and stretch yourself a a bit. Now calmly sit in yoga position with legs folded. Take deep breaths close your eyes and count from 1 to 10 in heart till your mind is fully concentrated on the numbers you are sayin in heart. This will increase your ability to concentrate. Keep this for 10 to 15 minutes. Calm yourself and then take bath and go to work. please comment on how you feel after this morning's exercise. Keep up the rest of the routine same as before.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How to lose your weight - Day 3 plan.

So here comes your day 3 plan for losing your weight.
Now things would be getting critical, as you ll have to add more and more effort in ur daily routine. Every coming day should be harder when it comes to exercise and the key is to keep ur morale higher. During this routine, you are not supposed to check weight and mark it down now at this time. You have left all the oily food by now and junk too but never go for

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to lose weight-2nd day plan.

So here comes ur second day plan on how to lose your weight effectively. Now after you hav successfully followed the day one routine, u are on the track.Now all you have to do

How to lose your weight- Day to Day plan.

Obesity is becoming a genuine problem for the developed countries. At one side there is malnutrition and increasing hunger and on the other side there is massive influx of calories. Energy transfer has to be balanced in order to remain physicaly and psychologically fit. weight increase not only deteriorates physical cndition but

Thursday, August 25, 2011

4th year mbbs pastpapers UHS

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome - A growing problem

The diseases are on the rise owing to the growing change of lifestyles and feeding habits. The details of PCOS can be found all over the web so i am not gonna go there. What i am gonna discuss is something simple. Feeling dizzy all the time? lethargic? unable to concentrate? feeling that you are gaining weight? feeling thirsty hungry? its time to start worrying. Many of these matters depends upon the mood but that is not case every time.
Trust me you don't want this!
All the diseases and disorders start off in your brain. You start having all kinds of different ideas that something is wrong with you. This is most common among doctors due to their knowledge of medicine. But care is of utmost importance. In today's world the biggest dilemma is that we acquire most of the diseases from what we eat. If we talk about PCOS then broiler chicken and all the fast food products pose the paramount factor as taking you step by step closer to this disease.
The trends are changing we see people approaching all sorts of fast foods. Mcdonals , KFC , Hardies... the list goes on.. All this is becoming a trend especially in Pakistan where these

Saturday, August 20, 2011

3rd year mbbs past papers.

For the medical students... Preparing for the Finals

Time is flying as you know it. At once instant you found yourself at the year's beginning and now months have passed and finally were stepping into September the time of Annual send ups and professional examinations.
Feeling depressed over your year's performance? well this is something natural. Medical college is a place where every body is a genius and a hard worker in the purest meaining of the word. But alas the examination and trial system of medical colleges

How to quit smoking..

Before I start writing about what to do lets think about why should we shun smoking? Writing about nicotine and tar is all useless. Millions of advertisements are running day and night showing how smoking can cause cancer and lung diseases etc. Despite knowing all the hazards everybody still does smoke. Making some one afraid of some thing won’t make any difference unless the very person is willing himself to stay away from

For a Better life

Ever wondered why the people before us led more healthier lives then we do? despite the fact that medicine was not that much developed as it is now. The answer is simple. They were more happier and content with their lives then we are or we will ever be. With the passing time the human population is blooming without any limits. There is more space being occupied than being freed. Resources are diminishing, demands are

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Forensic mnemonics

Sequence of eruption of permanent teeth
Mama Is In Pain, Papa Can Make Medicine

First Molar (M)--6yrs
Central Incisor(I)--7yrs
Lateral Incisor(I)-

Anatomy mnemonics

Branches of Vagus nerve
(shared by Taishan Medical University )

A- Auricular nerve
P- Pharyngeal nerve
E- Esophageal

Pathology Mnemonics

Portal hypertension: features

Bleeding (haematemesis, piles)
Caput medusae

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pharmacology Mnemonics

1)    Anti-hypertensives used in emergencies...
Singh & Gambhir HELP

S-sodium nitroprusside

General patho practical copy drawings.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Microbiology mnemonics..!

Psedomonas aeruginosa: features AERUGINOSA:
Exotoxin A
Rod/ Resistance
UTIs, burns,injuries
Green-blue dressings

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Medical Student Syndrome

 "Medical Student Syndrome" (MSS)
Medical student syndrome "MSS" also named medical student disorder, medical student disease and hypochondriasis of medical students is a condition frequently reported in medical students nowadays.

MSS is a constellation of

Contact lenses-advantages and disadvantages

  • Clear vision
  • Has wider field of view
  • Excellent

Monday, January 3, 2011

Influenza Vaccine — Safe, Effective, and Mistrusted

On August 10, 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an end to the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. It is fortunate that the virus that had spread worldwide so quickly turned out to be less severe than was first feared. It is worth remembering, though, that an

Withholding Information from Patients — When Less Is More

As clinicians who strongly value truth telling and active patient involvement in medical decision making,1 we have lately been reflecting on the circumstances in which physicians consciously (and sometimes unconsciously) withhold from patients information about their conditions, treatments, and outcomes. The ethical principle of autonomy would suggest that patients should

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Place for anatomy content and discussions.discuss questions,books,share pictures and more....

Help Desk for medical students

Medical students who want to seek help regarding their studies,selection of books,way of study, future counselling, and any problem they want to be solved can share it here.Every effort to help them will be made.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Online Health Advice

A place for those who want online medical advice free of cost and 24/7.
just tell ur problem and symptoms in case of a disease and get the advice in next follow-up comment.Those who don't want the advice publicly should give their comment a number and post this number to and ur question will be answered asap.


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