Friday, September 30, 2011

A guide to clinical Electives

Going for clinical electives in a developed country like UK, USA or canada has always been a dream for medical students. Electives are considered to b a good step for career building of a medical student. First of all, lets talk about what are electives in the medical world?
what are electives?
Clinical electives consist of a short duration course in a specific field where the

Profs, Medical students and Dengue- behind the scenes and after effects.

Dengue proved out to be a major epidemic this year in Pakistan which affected people from all fields of life including medical students. Many of the medical students were affected by dengue right before their annual professional exams were about to commence. This led to a serious problem because they were not able to prepare for their exams. It was just two days before that all the students specially from

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to lose weight - Day 4 plan

Exercise can be very refreshing not only for your body but also for your mind. The best time to jog is morning before you go to work. Try this today, wake up before sunrise and jog in fresh breez jog for upto 45 minutes. Get back home and dry yourself and take a bath. Remember never to take bath right aftr you exercise. It is dangerous. Always relax yourself a bit after exercise. Try doing yoga for it. Now how to do yoga, right after you jog and get back home and stretch yourself a a bit. Now calmly sit in yoga position with legs folded. Take deep breaths close your eyes and count from 1 to 10 in heart till your mind is fully concentrated on the numbers you are sayin in heart. This will increase your ability to concentrate. Keep this for 10 to 15 minutes. Calm yourself and then take bath and go to work. please comment on how you feel after this morning's exercise. Keep up the rest of the routine same as before.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How to lose your weight - Day 3 plan.

So here comes your day 3 plan for losing your weight.
Now things would be getting critical, as you ll have to add more and more effort in ur daily routine. Every coming day should be harder when it comes to exercise and the key is to keep ur morale higher. During this routine, you are not supposed to check weight and mark it down now at this time. You have left all the oily food by now and junk too but never go for


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