Monday, November 14, 2011

Pathology Sorted out SEQz (sendups 2011)

 **IMPORTANT**: You may find some clinical scenarios that are not under the right unit heading.In that case, kindly inform so that it may be placed in the right unit.Thanks
General Pathology

1-Cell injury and adaptation

-Define apoptosis. give 2 examples of this process (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-role of mitochondria in Cell injury.(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
--Define Necrosis? 3 types of necrosis with examples? (FMH)
-Define and classify types of necrosis?morphological changes in necrosis? (MMDC)
-consequences of decreased ATP during cell injury??2 differneces bw metastatic and dystrophic clacification? (NSMC)
-65 yr old man died after an episode of severe chest pain.examination revealed loss of cross striations and the nuclei in cardiac muscle fibers but tissue features remained as such. type of cellular change? what type of injury may be caused to myocardium with thrombolytic therapy in management of MI? mechanism for such inury? 4 pathologic conditions which lead to apoptosis? (WMC)

-45 yrs old male presented to E.R. with acute abdominal pain.serum amylase was raised.diagnosed as a case of acute pancreatitis.type of necrosis?pathogenesis?4 differences bw necrosis and apoptosis? (sims)
-32 yr old man had an accident and broke his leg.his leg was plastercased for about 6 months and was advised to take rest.when the cast weas removed,there was marked difference in the girth of two legs.What kind of adaptive changes?Underlying mechanism??
45 yr old patient developed bilateral submandibular lymphadenopathy.lymph nodes revealed multiple granulomas with central caseation necrosis.types of necrosis other than caseous necrosis?diff b/w necrosis and apoptosis?? (CPMC)
-define steatosis. name organs affected by this change?
-gross and microscopic appearance of liver in fatty change? (SMDC)
-A primigravida delivers a baby girl. The neonatologist advises her to breast feed the baby.
a) What changes occurred in the breast during pregnancy that will enable the mother to nurse her baby? 1
b) Massive enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy is an example of which type of cellular adaptation? 1
c) What is COMPENSATORY HYPERPLASIA? Give TWO examples. 3(RMC)

2-Acute and Chronic Inflammation

-what are arachadonic acid metabolites and their role in acute inflamatory process?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
- Draw and label tuberculous granuloma?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-A12yrs old boy presents with ryt iliac pain and undergoes appendicectomy. Histological exam of appendix shows neutrophilic infiltration of muscularis propria.what is this process called?sequenc of cellular events that lead to neutrophil accumulation?name diff cells of chronic inflammation? (UMDC)
-draw and label caseating granuloma.4 types of giant cells with their associated lesions. (FMH)
-23 yr old woman developed a dental abscess after extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. abscess formation is one of the outcomes of acute inflammation.what are two other outcomes of such inflammation?? causes of granulomatous inflammation?? (MMDC)
-Type of inflammation in Tuberculosis? name the cell from which epithelioid cells are derived?chemical mediator tht leads to formation of epithelioid cells? 2 other features of the lesion found in tuberculosis? (NSMC)
-mechanisms responsible for increased vascular permeability in acute inflammation(WMC)
-properties and principles of production and actions of mediators of inflammation.
-define granuloma?(WMC)
-define granuloma?
-4 diseases with granuloma?
-draw and label a typical granuloma in tuberculosis? (sims)
-65 yr old man developed low grade fever with productive cough and lymph node enlargement.chest xray was done and showed multiple opacities.Histological report of these lesions conferred features of chronic granulomatous inflammation with tuberculous etiology. 6 causes of chronic granulomatous inflammation.what kind of hypersensitivity reaction in this patient??Give pathogenesis?? (CPMC)
-define ulcer. consequences of defective inflammation? (SMDC)
-Acute inflammation is a rapid response to an injurious agent.
a) Enumerate different stimuli for acute inflammation. 2
b) List vascular and cellular events that constitute acute inflammation.(RMC)


-factors affecting the healing process?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-brief description of healing by primary intention?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-Following cholecystectomy in an obese lady the site of surgical sutures did not heal for 3 months and pus is oozing out intermittently.what is the role of granulation tissue in healing of clean surgical wound?tabulate the differnce b\w primary and secondary healing (UMDC)
-A patient presents with a large wound to his right forearm that is the result of a chainsaw accident.initially his wound is filled with granulation tissue,which is composed of proliferating fibroblasts and proliferating new blood vessels.which major growth factor involved? 3 growth factors with major functions? (FMH)
-three processes in the formation of scar? two complications which can follow wound healing? based on proliferative capacities,tissues are divided into three groups. enumerate these groups and give one example of each tissue? (MMDC)
-21 yr old male with 2.5 cm sharp weapon inury 0.5cm deep and clean edges.wounds were washed and sutures applied.antisepsis done and discharged on antibiotics.physical examination revealed pallor. what type of healing? two differneces from healing of lacerated,contaminated wound? two factors which may impair wound healing?2 diferences bw tissue healing and regeneration? (NSMC)
-define regeneration and repair?
-role of macrophages in wound healing?complications of wound healing?(WMC)
-45yr diabetic had a severe deep cut on his left hand.what type of healing?? causes ofdelayed healing in this case?four factors that can affect wound healing? (CPMC)
-draw the role of cyclins and inhibitors in regulation of cell cycle? (SMDC)
-A 10-year-old boy injured his leg while playing football in school. 3 days after injury, pink, soft friable tissue appeared on the surface of the wound.
a) What is this tissue called? 1
b) Give its histologic features. 2
c) Enumerate THREE processes in the formation of a scar. 2(RMC)

4-Disorders of vascular flow and SHOCK

-An 86 old man with history of recurrent UTI presented inthe emergency with high grade fever
tachycardia tachypnoea and hypotension. what are the causes pathogenesis & complications of this
type of shock.? (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-Discuss pathogenesis of septic shock? (UMDC)
-define an embolus? pathogenesis of fat embolism syndrome? major differences b/w antemortem embolus and postmortem clot? (FMH)
-pathogenesis of septic shock..arterial thrombosis?? (MMDC)
-38 yr old smoker lady in her 8th month of pregnancy, presented with swelling of is painful.history of intake of birth control pills before pregnancy.aftre emergency management,discharged and bed rest advised. after a few days she was presented again with sudden onset of dyspnea,respiratory rate 40/min, heart rate 110/min. Her initaial CXR and ECG found to be normal. Diagnosis of leg swelling? reason for her condition? 3 risk factors for the disease? components of virchow's triad? (NSMC)
-define shock?classify shock?pathogenesis of endotoxic shock? (sims)
-A 60-year-old male has worsening congestive heart failure with increasing pulmonary congestion and oedema. He also has peripheral oedema.
a) Give any four pathophysiologic categories of oedema. 2
b) What is the major cause of oedema in this patient? 1
c) Give two microscopic morphological features of Chronic pulmonary congestion. 2(RMC)


- A 20 year old female presentes with the malar rash arhralgia low grade fever &high titer of
anti dsDNA. Briefely explain the type of hypersensitivity that is the primary mechanism of
abnormalities in this disorder (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-short note on IgG? (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-4Supraclavicular lymph node biopsy from a pt presenting with evening pyrexia and night sweat shows clustersof epitheloid with few multinucleated gaint cells surrounded by lymphocytes.what type of hypersensitivity reaction underlies morphologic picture?MOA?name other types of hypersensitivity (UMDC)
- draw and label antibody molecule? 3 major functions of igG (FMH)
-Define hypersensitivity and types? list various cells of immune system? discuss type 4 hypersensitivity? (MMDC)
-mechanism of type 2 hypersensitivity? (NSMC)
-principal classes of lymphocytes and their functions in adaptive immunity.
-enumerate hypersensitivity reactions and 2 examples each.(WMC)
-12 yr old boy suffers from allergic rhinitis and asthma.his symptoms trigger after exposure to history.type of hypersensitivity reaction?mechanism?2 examples of type4?
-after fall and injury to the leg, a player of 3r year football team developed redness and swelling of the leg.mechanism?name 3 components of response?4 stimuli that trigger this response? (sims)
-Define autoimmunity??immune tolerance? mechanism of self tolerance? (CPMC)
-draw a labelled antibody structure.
-3 pathways of complement system?show diagrammatically. (SMDC)
-A one-year-old male boy remained alright for the first 6-9 months of life. He then started having recurrent bacterial infections causing otitis media and pneumonia.
a) Which immune cells are likely to be deficient in him? 1
b) Why was he protected against bacterial infections during first six months of life? 1
c) Give the pattern of antibody production following initial antigen administration and a booster injection.(RMC)


-major difrences btwn Malignant n benign tumor? (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-A60yrs old working in rubber factory for the past 30 yrs presented to medical ward with complaints of hematuria.On cystoscopy, a bladder tumor was seen which proved to be transitional cell carcinoma.carcinogen involved in bladder cancer?diff b/w benign and malignant tumors? (UMDC)
-four major tumour markers with associated tumours? draw and label a malignant cell. (FMH)
-Define any five types of oncogenes with associated tumours? (FMH)
-Metastatic clacification (causes and organs involved). tumour markers of ovarian carcinoma, gastric carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and prostatic carcinoma. (MMDC)
-Define neoplasm. give differences b/w benign and malignant tumours? (MMDC)
-describe sequential steps (metastatic cascade) involved in hematogenous spread of a tumour? (NSMC)
-4 fundamental principles of carcinogenesis?
-define grading and staging of tumours. enumerate major grading staging system in use?
-role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis or management of malignant neoplasms?(WMC)
-classify chemical carcinogens?
-6 differences bw benign and malignant tumours? (sims)
- 30 yr old man developed multiple polypoidal growths in colon,part of colon was excised and one of the polyp revealed an adenocarcinoma infiltrating the muscle layer. Gene involved?how do you grade and stage a carcinoma?enlist four tumour markers alongwith cancers in which they are raised? (CPMC)
-draw the model of action of RAS gene? (SMDC)
-name 3 RNA oncogenic viruses?
-mechanism of oncogenesis by DNA virus?
-differences b/w promoters and initiater type of chemical carcinogen?
-differences of carcinoma and sarcoma?
-define dysplasia?
-4 tumours which have geographic variation in their incidence?
-define choristoma with 2 examples?
-6 tumour markers with example of their importance?
-role of p53 gene in cancer.(PMC)
-Anaplasia is considered as a hall mark of malignant transformation.
a) Give three morphologic changes characteristic of anaplasia. 1.5
b) Enumerate three pathways for dissemination of cancers. 1.5
c) Give the basis of grading and staging of cancers. 2(RMC)


-A child born to a 35year old mother has flat facial profile & epicanthic folds. the paediatrician
grows suspicious and asks for karyotyping. He is diagnosed as trisomy 21. What are the complications
he might be suffering from this in his later life? (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-what is mutation?give its types (Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-A 20 yrs old female presents with primary amenorrhea.Physical exam reveals short stature, webbed neck and immature genetalia.Ultrasounds of the pelvis shows streak ovaries.what is condition called and what is the underlying chromosomal abnormality?Give the classical and mosaic karyotype for this condition? (UMDC)
-what is normal human karyotype?study of chromosomes id the basic tool of cytogenetics. principle of this technique?(MMDC)
-two materials on which prenatal chromosomal analysis can be performed? Three indications for such analysis?? (MMDC)
-A woman visited a pediatrician with her new born child who had flat facial profile,oblique palpebral fissure and epicanthal folds, single horizontal crease on the palmar surface of his hand.
pediatrician suspects a trisomy21. diagnosis? most common karyotype?most common cause? 2 other trisomies? (NSMC)
-cytogenic disorders involving autosomes and karyotype of each?
-define hereditary,familial and congenital diseases and give one example each.(WMC)
-4 autosomal recessive genetic diseases?
-genetic abnormality,pathogenesis and clinical features of cystic fibrosis? (sims)
-Define mutation?various patterns of transmission of genetic disorders? 2 autosomal dominant and 2 autosomal recessive disorders?? (CPMC)
-define mutations.different features of point mutations, deletions and Trinucleotide repeat mutations? (SMDC)
-A 8-year-old child is prought to you with history of poor performance in studies. He has epicanthic folds, simian crease on palms of hands and a flat facial profile. Maternal age was 44 years when he was born.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis? 1
b) What cytogenetic abnormality is expected in this child? How is maternal age responsible for this abnormality? 2
c) Approximately 1% of such patients are MOSAICS. What do you understand by this term? 2(RMC)


1-Basic Bacteriology

-enlist the different chemical and physical agents used for sterlization n disinfection(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-Draw n label Gram -ve cel wall?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-what are plasmids? Types?what are koch,s postulates? (UMDC)
-Give method of action and atleast one standard use of each of the following types of disinfectants: (a) iodine (b)Ethylene oxide (c)alcohol (d) aldehydes (e)heavy metals. (FMH)
-Mechanisms of bacterial drug resistance?examples? (FMH)
-three ways by which heat can be applied for sterilization? most frequently used method for sterilization of surgical instruments? mechanism by which heat kills microorganisms?? (MMDC)
-6 differences b/w exotoxins and endotoxins?
-how will u sterilize disposable gloves,culture media,glass petri dishes and clinical thermometer? (sims)
-define sterilization and disinfection?
-how will you (a)prepare skin prior to surgery(b)sterilize i/v fluids (c)disinfect operating rooms
-differentiate endotoxin from exotoxin with one example each.
-differentiate obligate aerobes from obligate anaerobes with one example each. (SMDC)

2-Clinical Bacteriology

-How many groups of Beta hemolytic streptococci are there on the basis of LANCEFIELD classification
what is the basis of the classification?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-2 characteristics which make Mycobacterium different frm other mycobacteria?enlist the properties of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?What DOT stands for?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-a 7 year old boy came to hospital from a remote area in which there was an outbreak
of GIT disease. he is presented in the emergency ward with history of large volumes of watery diarrhea
along with dehydration. there was no abdominal pain and on history chart the HO wrote that he is passing
rice water stool. 3 days later he developed hypokalemia and renal failure.Name the possible organism & give the Lab diagnosis(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-A 34 yrs old man reported in E.R with several deep cuts in his leg after biking accident several days back.The skin was discoloured,greenish blue and an additional finding was crackling sounds in the lower leg.Necrotic tissue revealed gram positive rods.disease? organism?physical conditions requires 4 growth of this organism?pathogenesis? (UMDC)
-Classify the MOTT according to RUNYAN classification with one example each??
-important properties of M.tuberculosis (UMDC)
-A married female complaints of suprapubic tenderness,fever,flank pain,urinary urgency and frequent costovertebral angle tenderness.Her blood report shows peripheral leukocytes.Culture on macconkeys agar shows lactose fermenting colonies and gram staining shows G- rods..these are also indole positive.diagnosis?lab diagnosis?name the organisams causing UTI. (UMDC)
-A 3yrs old girl suffering from high grade fever, respiratory distress.The sputum was thick and rusty coloured.The sputum was cultured on blood agar. On gram staining G+ diplococci.diagnosis?mode of transmission? Lab diagnosis? (UMDC)
-34 yr old male having fever and wight loss.cough with rust colored sputum.chest x-ray,sputum examination and tuberculin test was ordered.he was living with a roommate positive for tuberculosis. disease?agent?tubeculin skin test? (FMH)
-classify streptococci.lesions caused by streptococcus pyogenes (FMH)
-6 diseases or infections in the list of STD's by WHO?? 4 reasons attributed to increase in STD's?? (MMDC)
-45 yr old woman has had congestive heart failure for the past 4 years.she develops fever for a week.heart murmur is present.temp is 38.4she has abnormally thickened mitral valve.blood culture was positive for a gram positive cocci. another echocardiogram reveals a 1 cm vegetation on the superior aspect of her mitral valve. diagnosis? causative organism?complication in kidney due to this? four reagents used in gram stain?? (NSMC)
-A CSF specimenfrom a suspected case of pyogenic meningitis was brought to the lab.gram stain smear revealed many gram negative cocci in pairs. CAusative agent? vaccine is available.what does vaccine contain? other organism which is common cause of meningitis?2 most commonly used culture media in cases of pyogenic meningitis? (NSMC)
-A 3rd year medical student presented with abdominal cramps, loose motions containing blood.a provisional diagnosis of bacillary dysentary is made. most common cause?? is the organism a lactose fermenter? differential culture medium to isolate agent? non bacterial agent which also causes dysentery? two differneces bw diarhhea and dysentery. (NSMC)
-70 yr old labourer has a 5 month history of progressive weakness and a weight loss of 13kg alongwith intermittent fever,chills and chronic productive cough axpectorating yellow sputum,occasionally streaked with blood.a sputum specimen is obtained.diagnostic lab tests in less than an hour?? define XDR-TB.mechanism of rifampin resistance in M.tuberculosis? 2 liquid medium for culture of M.tuberculosis? principle of gamma interferase assay test?
-16 yr old cystic fibrosis patient is admitted to the hospital. sputum culture yields burkholderia cepacia. subsequently there are 2 other patients with the same disease and organism is cultured from sputum of four additional patients.during this nosocomial outbreak,50 environmental and seven patient isolates were isolated. single test to differntiate enterobacteriaceae and pseudomonaceae in seconds?
-2 methods of horizontal transmission of drug resistance in gram negative rods?
-4 imp clinical conditions due to infection of P.aeruginosa and one clinical condition due to vibrio parahaemolyticus?
-22 yr old man presents with a painless 1cm ulcer on the external genital organs and inguinal lypmphadenopathy.he admits trading drugs for sex and has several sexual parteners.RPR test is positive. gram stain of a swab specimen from the ulcer shows no bacteria. significance of RPR positive test.3 tests to confirm diagnosis?serotypes of chlamydiae leading to similar presentation? 3 mycoplasma which can be isolated from genitourinary tract of men/women attending STD clinics.
-A patient complaining of double vision and difficulty in talking. within the past 2 hours he noted a dry mouth and generalized weakness. last night he was served canned green beans.he tasted the beans before they were boiled.on examination there is symmetrical descending paralysis of cranial nerves,upper extremities and trunk.diagnosis?tests?mechanism of paralysis in this? why anaerobes cant grow in oxygen?
-68 yr old woman feeling feverish and experiencing increasing pain and swelling in her left knee during past 3 weeks.she was fond of unpasteurized goat's cheese.knee was swollen and fluid could be detected.15,000 polymorphonuclear cells per milliliter in fluid. gram negative coccobacillus were seen,colorless colonies <1mm on blood and chocolate agar on 4th day.catalase positive and oxidase positive,urease positive. infecting agent? growth factors required for H.ducryi and H.influenza? motility of Y.pestis and Y.enterocolitica? special medim required for culture of bordetella pertussis, how the disease can be prevented in community?(WMC)
-80 yrs old man is suffering from acute cystitis. on culture a gram negative bacterium was was catalase positive,oxidase negative,motile,lactose fermenter,indole positive,citrate negative,urease negative, and H2S of isolate?pathogenic types of bacterium? pathogenesis of diarrhea caused by this?
-4 mycobacteria responsible for pulmonary tuberculosis?
-pathogenesis of primary tuberculous infection?
-pathogenesis of corynebacterium diphtheriae?
-lab diagnosis of acute typhoid fever>
-12 yr old boy is suffering from acute tonsillitis.most common bacterium responsible?2 immune based complications?pathogenic mechanism?? (sims)
-25 yr old woman has a papular rash on her trunk, arms and palms.Rash does not itch.Vaginal exam reveals two flat,moist,slightly raised lesions on the labia.Material from a labial lesion examined in a darkfield microscopic revealed spirochetes.Diagnosis?Two tests for diagnosis?Define PROZONE?
*-42 yr old male has productive cough,night sweats, low fever and weight loss for last 3 months. Chest Xray reveals opacity in the upper zone of left lung. Agent of disease?special staining for diagnosis?Basis of special staining characterisitics?

-enlist the diseases caused by (a)H.pylori
- a 6 year old having sore throat and fever for four days.on examination,child is anxious,tachypneic and ill appearing. her temp is 38.6C and voice is hoarse.tonsillar and pharyngeal edema with presence of a gray membrane coating of the tonsil,which extends over the uvula and soft palate.she has prominent cervical adenopathy. what gram stain characteristic does microorganism has on microscopy?how will u treat this?
-a severely burned firefighter develops a rapidly disseminating bacterial infection while hospitalized. "green pus" is noted in the burned tissue and cultures of both the tissue and blood yield small oxidase positive gram negative rods.organism? cultural characteristics of organism?
-32 yr old female with fever,night sweats and coughing blood.she lost 5 kg.gram stain revealed no bacteria.acid fast smear was positive.ESR is raised.CBC revealed Hb 9gm/dl and WBC 15,000/cubic mm,Routine bacterial culture was negative.tuberculin skin test is positive. causative agent? after decontamination of the sputum,isolation is accomplished by which medium?what is MDR in reference to this organism? (SMDC)
-2 characteristics which differentiate M.Leprae form other mycobacteria?
-differentiate b/w tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy?
-name three species of chlamydia?
-name diseases caused by different species and serotypes of chlamydia?(PMC)
-A 6-year-old child develops high grade fever and headache for last 4-5 days.. He is brought to the emergency room where he is noted to have neck stiffness indicating meningeal irritation. A lumber puncture is done and the cerebrospinal fluid is sent to the microbiology laboratory.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis? 1
b) Name the possible organism responsible for the disease in the child and give its portal of entry. 2
c) How will you diagnose this infection in the laboratory? 2
-Give the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of H. Pylori infection in the human being. 5
-A 60-year-old-man has a 5-month history of progressive weakness and weight loss. There is H/O intermittent fever, chills and productive cough. A sputum specimen is obtained and numerous acid-fast bacteria are seen.
a) The patient is most likely infected with which organism? 1
b) What is PRIMARY TUBERCULOSIS? Give its complications. 2
c) Name any four atypical forms of this organism. 2
- A grand mother in a remote village applies cow dung to the umbilical stump of a newborn. The child develops strong muscular spasms, pronounced arching of the back, and dies of respiratory failure after a week.
1. What is the likely diagnosis Name the most likely ETIOLOGICAL AGENT. 2
2. Name three other BACTERIAL SPECIES of the genus and the DISEASES caused by them. 3 (RMC)

3-Basic Virology

-a 32 year old banker is going on HAJJ. he has been told by his doc to receive vaccination for miningitis(caused by N. meningitidis)which group of vaccination is it included in? give 3 more examples of vaccination in the same group of vaccination?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-define active passive immunity Name 1 disease in which such type of immunity is induced in a patient?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
- comparison of killed and live viral vaccines. (FMH)
-what is cytopathic effect? (NSMC)

4-Clinical Virology

*- 35 year old man is seen in E.R. complaining of severe headache and vomiting that began last night.Temp. is 40C.He is increasingly combative and has a grand-mal seizure. He is "foaming at the mouth" and cannot drink any liquids. Analysis of his spinal fluid reveals no abnormality and no organisms are seen in the gram stain. two days later,he died.exam. of brain revealed eosinophilic inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of neurons.Diagnosis?Agent?pathogenesis?Treatment and prevention? (CPMC)-how will you prevent MUMPS in children?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-a 33 old doc comes to the Emergency warod of Hosp. with fever malaise cough & headache. on examination there is
lympthadenopathy maculopapular rash and pain in muscles & joints. On complete blood count there is marked decrease in platelets.which organism comes in ur mind?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-what is pathology of hemorrhagic fever & hemorrhagic shock syndrome?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-Achild comes to OPD who has rash on his trunk and back and conjuctivitis. The koplike spots on his throat are also present.diagnosis?lab diagnosis? (UMDC)
- name the viruses which cause hepatitis,AIDS, Dengue fever and WARTS? 3 lab tests to diagnose AIDS. 3 infectious agents smaller than viruses with examples of disease. (MMDC)
-2 bacteria,1 fungus, 1 virus,1 protozoan that commonly cause diseases in patients of AIDS? (NSMC)
-HBV and HCV cause hepatocellular carcinoma.infection by which of these has more chance of chronic carrier state? which of these commonly diagnosed by detection of antibody?what is window phase in HBV infection? (NSMC)
-H.O with high grade fever with headache specially behind the eyes and generalized body aches.gradual downfall in platelet count was seen. dianosis? commonly used lab test? 2 complications.? mode of transmission? (NSMC)
-20 yr old girl from rural area of attock presents to the medical emergency with complaints of fever, abdominal pain,epistaxis,bleeding from gums,hematuria and malena.she has petechiae/ecchymosis.she is confused and agitated,she dies despite resuscitating attempts.low platelet counts and leucopenia.viral agent and vector??2 fatal complications?four other viruses causing hemorrhagic fever??(WMC)
-25 year old female presents with high grade fever, rash on the leg and generalized body weakness.she was admitted in hospital.3 days later she developed menorrhagia and epistaxis. her CBC shows WBC count 3.5x109 /L and platelet count 50x109 /L.Disease?causative agent? how many serotypes?how to treat? prevention? (CPMC)
-enlist the diseases caused by (b)HPV
*-18 yr old male brought to E.R. with high grade fever and persistent vomiting.his temp is 103F.B.p is 100/60.multiple petechiae on his whole body.CBC reveals leucopenia,increased hematocrit level and marked decrease in platelet count to 30,000/mm3. diagnosis?life cycle?complications? (SMDC)
-A 20 year old man willing to donate blood on screening test is positive for HBV. lab test to determine the stage of disease?possible clinical course of disease?are his family members at risk?
-70 yr old man is brought to hospital suffering from fever and acute respiratory day later he dies of acute pneumonia and is suspected of suffering from human swine influenza virus. Mechanism by which virus acquires capability of infecting humans?organism responsible for acute postinfluenza pneumonia?H1N1 stands for?
-A 23 year old man presents to the medical OPD of Holy Family Hospital in early Autumn with an acute febrile illness of 2-7 days duration.
She also has Headache, Retro-orbital pain, Myalgia Arthralgias Rash , Petechiae. Blood CP revealed Leucopoenia & Thrombocytopenia.
1. Give the most probable diagnosis. (1)
2. Name the vector that transmits this disease to humans (I)
3. Enlist Six preventive measures for the control of spread of this disease.(3)(RMC)


-name dfrnt types of Systemic mycosis(Akhtar saeed Medical College)

-a 56 old patient came to the hospital with the history of thrush & esophagitis. He is on radiotherapy
for his malignancy for last 2 years.he has H/O intravenous drug usage & present with rite side endocarditis
in Mayo hospital 5 years back.Which fungus comes in ur mind?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-write down the mode of transmission and lab diag of causative agent.(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-A62 yrs old white male is admitted to the hosp complaining of is known smoker for the past 40yrs and has smoked 1 pack of cigarette per day. Recently he has been on immunocompressive therapy for severe arthritis. A biopsy specimen of lung is obtained and septate hyphae that form V shaped branches are discovered. Culture in agar shows conidia wd spores in radiating columns.diagnosis?mode of transmission? Pathogenesis? (UMDC)
-30 yr old woman with burning feeling in her mouth and pain on swallowing.on examination, whitish lesions are seen on tongue,palate and pharynx. no vesicles. test for HIV antibody is positive.Gram stain from the lesions reveals budding yeasts and pseudohyphae. Diagnosis? Germ tube test?? (FMH)
-Nearly 300 of the 100,000 to 200,000 species(depending on how they r classified) are thought to cause disease.what is the study of these organisms known as? classify mycosis in four groups? (MMDC)
-28 yr old female tourist from new york complained of headaches,dizziness and occasional episodes of "spacing out" during the past two weeks. she was HIV positive.lumbar puncture revealed reduced glucose,elevated protein and 450 mononuclear leukocytes per millilitre.CSF culture on Sabourad agar revealed growth of a yeast having capsule.history is also compatible with fungal meningitis. most probable cause of meningitis in this? other tests on csf sample? how monomorphic yeast can be differentiated based on morphology of their growth in serum? how macroconidiiae of trichophyton mentagrophyte will differ from Micosporium canis?(WMC)
-classify dermatophytes with examples?
-lab diagnosis of vaginal thrush? (sims)
- A 35 yr man HIV antibody positive has had a persistent headache and a low grade fever  for the past 2 weeks.Budding yeasts with a wide capsule in india ink preparation of spinal fluid.Diagnosis?name of organism?mode of transmission?imp of india ink? (CPMC)
-name 4 oppurtunistic fungi?
-3 lab methods for diagnosis of fungal disease?
-25 year old woman was a victim of road accident and became quadriplegic and required indwelling urinary catheter which caused UTI. Urine revealed budding yeast cells and pseudohyphae.microorganism? other common clinical presentation of this organism?other tests to confirm?
-A 10-year-old boy develops a dry, circular, scaly,pruritic lesion on his leg. The lesion is red in the centre.Potassium hydroxide –calcofluor white preparation of a scraping from the lesion shows branching, septate, non-pigmented hyphae.
c) What is the diagnostic significance of these findings?
d) Name four skin diseases caused by dermatophyte infection, with location of lesions.(RMC)

-state one disease that is caused by each of the following organism & indicate their transmission to humans
1) leishmania donovani
2) tinea saginata
3)ascaris lumbericoids(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-what is the pathogenesis and lab diag. of T. vaginalis?(Akhtar saeed Medical College)
-A young gardner develops headache,periodic bouts of fever with chills and rigors occurring every 36-48hrs.He is anemic on appearance and has spleenomegly.His peripheral smear shows cresntric structuers.diagnosis?how will u diagnose this case in the lab?possible complications? (UMDC)
-Lab findings in case of hookworm infection?(FMH)
-four plasmodia responsible for malaria?lab test for malaria? G6PD deficiency protects against which plasmodium malaria? (MMDC)
-27 year old female has vaginal discharge associated with vaginal inflammation. she took medicine 1 month ago for similar problem but has agaian developed the disease. wet preparation of her vaginal discharge showed pear shaped motile organism.causative agent? what is its infective form?mode of transimission? 2 other organisms causing vaginal discharge? (NSMC)
-stool R/E of 9 yr old boy presenting with abdominal pain showed eggs and proglottids belonging to the tenia to differentiate T.Solium from T.Saginata based on proglottid morphology?
-3 morphological features to identify eggs of H.nana
-definitive host of Echinococcus granulosis?
-common clinical problem due to infestation of D.latum? how human acquire the infestation?distinguishing morphological features of D.latum egg??(WMC)
-4 intestinal protozoal pathogens?
-pathogenesis of ancylostoma duodenale infection? (sims)
-19 yr old man complains of several episodes of blood in his urine. No dysuria or urethral discharge.he is not sexually active. he is a college student but born and raised in egypt.No penile lesions.urinalysis shows many red cells,no white cells,and several large eggs with terminal spines. causative agent?draw eggs of schistosoma mansoni,paragonimus westermani, and enterobius vermicularis.
-name two organisms responsible for inflammation due to contact lenses.
-Descrribe each in three lines. a)String test. (B)Tape test. (CPMC)
-8 year old boy from remote area of Balochistan presents to E.R with abdominal pain and vomiting.He was ill for a day but his symptoms have worsened in the past few hours and his parents saw a worm in his vomitus.he appears very ill and in obvious pain.he is tachycardiac and his lungs are clear.his abdomen has high pitched tickling bowel sounds on auscultation and is diffusely tender to rebound tenderness.the worm is 5 inches long and reddish yellow in colour. what organism?how did the patient become infected? draw the life cycle? (SMDC)
-A child living in a village is in the habit of walking bare foot. He is brought to the basic health Unit by his mother with C/O marked pallor. On investigations he is found to be suffering from severe microcytic hypochromic anaemia.
a) Give the cause of his anaemia and name the helminth that causes such anaemia. (1)
b) Name the infective form of this worm. (1)
c) Give an outline of life cycle of this worm. (3) (RMC)


answer ques after injury to leg ...................
immuno ques of sims

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Immunology is a part of Microbiology in International & UHS Cariculum. The questions will be part of Micro Percentage .

@Dr.Arslan Warraich THANKS SIR, DONE :)

@Anonymous join this group for a discussion on these seqz!/groups/mbbsbatch2013/

4th year ke bhiii plzzzzz uploAD

a v nyc attempt 4rm u
n wana tell that the below mentioned synerio is in viro part nt in bacterio it is rabies virus*- 35 year old man is seen in E.R. complaining of severe headache and vomiting that began last night.Temp. is 40C.He is increasingly combative and has a grand-mal seizure. He is "foaming at the mouth" and cannot drink any liquids. Analysis of his spinal fluid reveals no abnormality and no organisms are seen in the gram stain. two days later,he died.exam. of brain revealed eosinophilic inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of neurons.Diagnosis?Agent?pathogenesis?Treatment and prevention? (CPMC)

i wana know ans of some questions how shall?

Thanks a lot for correcting, i ll rectify it, do tell if u find more :)thankyou.

To know the answers of questions, join our discussion at this facebook group!/groups/mbbsbatch2013/

AOA i cant open this link :( dun know y
now what shall i do to find answers? plz help me out

i cant open this link dun know y ?? what shall i do now? where to find ans?

plz tel ans of parasito q. 8 yr old boy from balochistan.....
I've sent request to that group but nt aceptd stil

5 inches long could it be some tape worm? or might be the giant ascaris lol some body confirm it please

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