Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Medicine Sendups 2013- Topic wise sorted out

Medicine Cases and scenarios
UHS Medicine Sendups 2013


-A 26 year old male presented in OPD with C/O malaise, generalized body aches, headache, sore throat. Now he also has difficulty in swallowing. On examination pulse 96/min, BP=130/80 mm HG, Temp 103 F, with congestive sore throat, cervical lymph nodes were enlarged and tender, No clubbing, anemia, jaundice or dependent edema. On systemic examination spleen was 2cm enlarged with no other anomaly. Investigations showed Hb:14gm/dl, TLC 14000 with predominant atypical lymphocytes. Urine C/E and serum electrolytes were normal.
   What’s the probable diagnosis?


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