---A 16 yr old boy with the history of allergic conjunctivitis for about 6 yrs,presented with gradual deterioration of vision in both eyes,Hes already using high minus glasses,but not satisfied bcs theres rapid change in glasses prescription,On torch light examination both corneas look clear but conical.
Probable diagnosis?Name 2 ocular and 2 systemic associations of this condition?what r steps of management?(WMC)
An 85 yr old male comes to u with redness,pain,watering of rt.eye.On examination theres puctate and dedndritic lesions on rt cornea,staining with florescein.
---A midddle aged man presented with photophobia,lacrimation and pain and dimness in rt.eye.On examination of cornea there was central corneal geographical ulcer
----A young girl is contact lens user,She accidently slept with them on and later complained of redness,photophbia,lacrimation blurred vision.Corneal ulcer is sspected.
-A 30 yr old female presented in eye OPD preesnted with sudden decrease in vision and impaired colour vision in rt.eye.On examination rt.eye shows Rapid afferent pupillary defect and vision of lt.eye is normal.Diagnosis(optic neuritis),What will b the investigations to reach the diagnosis?treatment?SMC
---A 55 yr old lady presented in eye OPD with h/o severe early morning headache and projectile vomiting.On ophthalmoscopy,optic discs sof both eyes are swollen and congested
Diff b/w papillitis and pappiledema(CMC)
---A 90 yr old male comes to u with sudden loss of vision of lt.eye.extraocular movements r painful.RAPD is positive in lt.eye and fundus is normal.
Causes of Papilledema?
----A 70 yr old male presented to u with sudden loss of vision in lt.eye,He shows painful extraocular movements,RAPD is positive in lt.eye and fundus oof that eye is normal.
Whats ur diagnosis
what r the causes of Papilledema
How will u manage this case(NSMC)
CATARACT---An old lady of 70 yrs is admitted for cataract surgery.
What r pre-operative investigations to b done?
Nmae surgical procedures available?
What r early-post operative complications?(RMC)
--A 65yr old male presented in eye OPD with H/O gradual painless deterioration of vision in both eyes for the past 2 years
post operative complications of cataract surgery
(theres another question but its not really visible in the pic)(CMC)
-A middle aged pt of chronic uveitis has rt eye vision 6/24 and lt.eye vision 6/9.Slit light experiment shows that rt.eye has post.subcapsular lenticular opacities.It is decided that catract surgery wud b done and with IOL implant.What surgical technique u will use and y?What ocular measurements will u record to calculate IOL power.Mention 4 intraocular complications that cud develor during surgery.(ICCE)SMC
---A 1 yr old child brought to u in OPD with bilateral white pupils,on examination with B-scan ant and post chamber r normal.
Diagnosis?causes of leucocoria?causes of congenital cataract?(SZMC)
---A male normotensive non diabetic 65 yrs of age complains of gradual painless blurring of vision,On examinations both pupils r white,His vision is reduced to counting fingers on both sides and his IOP is normal and both pupils react to light.
Provisional diagnosis?
complications occuring if left untreated?
different surgical methods to treat?
Enumerate 4 problems during surgical procedure
---A 65 yr old lady gives history of cataract surgery 2 yrs ago,She ahs preented with marked blurring and redness for 12 hours,On examination theres hypopyon in the ant.chamber and ant.vitreous is full of cells.
enumerate 4 most common intraoperative cataract surgery complications.(CPMC)
-A 50 yr male presentde in OPD eye for routine examination,Onexamination vision was 6/6 in both eyes and IOP was 36mmHG,On examination ant.chambers were deep and both pupils were slow in reacting to light.provisional diagnosis.What wil b the fundus changes in this case?Name 1 investigation to confirm this diagnosis.Classify drugs used to treat this condition.PMC
--A 4 week old baby is brought to u with white pipillary reflex in both eyes,Fundus details r hazy.Ocular ultrasound reveals vitreoretinal echography,
risk involved if left untreated and how can u prevent it?
---A 3yr old boy presented in OPD with rt.leucocorir,D/D(SIMS)
----A2 yr old child was brought to Ophthamologist with history of white pupil?
Whats D/D(UMDC)
----1 yr old boy brought to u in OPD with bilatereal white pupils,On examination,ant and post chambers r normal with B-scan.
Whats ur diagnosis?
What r the causes of leucocoria
What r the causes of congenital cataract(NSMC)
A male normotensive non diabetic 65 yrs of age complains of gradual painless blurring of vision,On examinations both pupils r white,His vision is reduced to counting fingers on both sides and his IOP is normal and both pupils react to light.
Provisional diagnosis?
complications occuring if left untreated?
different surgical methods to treat?
Enumerate 4 problems during surgical procedurePMC
---Enlist pre-operative complications of cataract Extraction
Write down advantages of phacoemulsifictaion over ECCE(UMDC)
--A 4 yr old boy presents with defective vision,on slit lamp bimicroscopy with dilated pupils revealed bilateral moderate opacification of inner lamellae of lens surrounded by clear lamellae with riders at the margins of the opacity,whats the name given to this type of cataract?Name 4 other types of cataract in small babies?management?(WMC)
PUPIL----Horners syndrome definition or causes(FMH)
OCULAR INJURIES---A young man working in chemical factory presented in eye OPD with installation of some chemical in both eyes.emergency treatment?Give medical treatment of grade 2 and 3 injury,complications which can develop if he is not treated?SMC
---A pt was doing whitewash in a house,he got a splash of ehitewash in his eye
What is the immediate measure to b taken
What type os chmical injury has occured
What r the delayed effects of chemical injury in this(FMH)
-------A 15 yr old girl received trauma on lt.eye with sulphuric acid,On examination there was severe conjunctival congestion and corneal haze
What complications will occur if these pts r not managed properly?(UMDC)
-A young pt working in stone crushing factory presented to u with acute pain.lacrimation and marked decreased vision of rt.eye.History reveals fall of dust in affected eye during work,On examination conjunctiva is congested,corneal haze and infiltrate against pupillary area,Give spot diagnosis?treatment of this case?4 complications if pt is neglected?(Foreign body)
-An 18 yr old boy received tennis ball injury presented in ER with severe pain and
-- loss of vision,How will u investigate?Give clinical features?MMDC
-A 5 yr old school boy presented in OPD with rt.eye convergent squint.History reveals that the misalignment is more marked while reading.How wil u evaluate this pt?treatment options?
A 70yr old male presented with drooping of lt.eyelid and diplopia,On examination eye was deviated downward and outward with normal pupillary reaction,How will u evaluate the case?investigations?diagnosis?(3rd nerve)MMDC
---A 9yr old boy presesnts with lazy eye(amblyopia),causes of amblyopia?treatment?(WMC)
----A patient 35 years of age complains of H/O blurring of vision at near.He doesnot have refractive error.He has also noticed misalignment of eyes sometimes which is outward
Give examination and probable diagnosis(FMH)
-A female of 55 yrs complains of severe drooping of left upper eyelid since the past 1 week,On lifting eyelid was found to b diverted temporally and pt reported diplopia.provisionl diagnosis?Describe the abnormal extraocular movements in this case,Name 2 causes of this problem.PMC
-A male child of 5 yr presented with inward deviation of lt.eye since early childhood.Examination shows left esotropia of 30 degree.His vision was 6/6 in rt eye,and 6/60 in lt.eye.Cycloplegic refraction revelealed no refractive error,Why vision in lt.eye is poor?How vision can b improved?Which type of muscle surgery will correct this deviation.
----regarding squint
whats the difference b/w accomodative and non-accomodative?
Mention two tests to measure squint?
How will u manage a 2 yr old child with accomodative esotropia?(CPMC)
---What r different types esotropia?Write down management of accomodative esotropia?(UMDC)
---A young boy is known myopic having 10DS myopia.He has noticed floaters in his rt.eye with painless sussen decreased vision.
Give investigations and possible diagnosis(FMH)
UVEAL TRACT---An 85 yr old male comes to u H/O red eye,watering,severe pain,He also gives history of joint pain and neck pain.
A 55 yr old diabetic pt complains of severe pain and decreased vision in hs rt eye,He was operated for cataract extraction with IOL implant 3 days ago,Examination shows ciliary congestion and hypopyon with absent fundal glow.Provisional diagnosis?Give 4 measures to prevent this complication,How will u traet this acse?PMC
---A 30 yr old man with history of backache presented wth mild eyeache,photophobia and visual disturbane,his best corrected V/A R/E was 6/12 and 6/6 L/E.IOP was 10mmHg R/E and 14mmHg L/E.Slip lamp examination shows a reaction in ant.chamber(cells(+2,Flare+2) in RT Eye.L/E ant.chamber was normal.Diagnosis?anatomical classification of disease?treatment of this case?(RMC)
---Discus clinical features of acute ant.uveitis?(SIMS)
--60 yr old man presents with pain,redness and photophobia of both eyes.On examination theres circumcorneal congestion,and dull ant.segment details,Greyish white deposits r noted on back surface of cornea.Tabulate 2 clinical methods to perform with expected clinical findings in each.diagnosis?what r the most imp investigations in this case?(CPMC)
-----An 85 yr old male comes to u with red eye,watering and severe pain,He also give shistory of joint and neck pain.
gv diagnossis
---A 35 yr old female presented with ocular discomfort,photophobia and circumcorneal congestion?(UMDC)
Give D/Ds
Give management of ant,uveitis?(UMDC)
---A 55 yr old male operated in District hospital for rt.cataract extraction with IOL implantation 3 days back,He presented in eye emergency with decreased vision,severe pain.redness and swelling of rt.upper eyelid,On examination there was a severe reaction and hypopyon in ant.chamber,fundus view wasnt cleay due to ahze in vitreous,he was diagnosed as rt.endophthalmitis,discuss treatment(medical and surgical of this patient(SIMS)
--A 65 yr old lady complains of headache,vomiting painful red eye with decreased vision for past 12 days,she gives H?O coloured halos around light in past,On examination she as corneal edema,shallow ant chamber and hypermature cataract,IOP=50 mm Hg,diagnosis?emergency treatment?surgical treatment?(WMC)
A 70yr old patient(female) presented with severe ocular pain in lt.eye.History revealed decreased vision for last 1 yr,and rt.eye cataract surgery 2 yrs back.Examination of lt.eye shows shallow ant.cjamber,fixed and mid dilated pupil with an opaque lens.provisional diagnosis?Write emergency prescription for management of this patient.?What is definite treatment option for this patient.PMC
A middle aged lady presented with painful red eye and gross decerase n vision for the past 1 day,she complained of seeing halos in both eyes on and off for the past 2 months,On examination visual acuity was hand movement and circumcorneal congestion and dilated vertically oval pupil shallow anterior chamber was present.Diagnosis?treatment options?MMDC
5 causes of ectopic lentisSMC
-A 50 yr male presentde in OPD eye for routine examination,Onexamination vision was 6/6 in both eyes and IOP was 36mmHG,On examination ant.chambers were deep and both pupils were slow in reacting to light.provisional diagnosis.What wil b the fundus changes in this case?Name 1 investigation to confirm this diagnosis.Classify drugs used to treat this condition.
55yr old hypertensive lady presented with acute pain in rt.eye and theres also profound loss of vision.Cornea is hazy,IOP pressure is 60mmHg with mid dilated pupil and shallow anterior chamber.diagnsis>treatment?(open angle glaucoma)
----An old lady was having visual deficit since long but not seeking medical advice due to family inattention,She suddenly developed pain in lt,eye with watering and redness,Her vision was light perception only,pupil wasnot recating to light and lens was white and opaque,she was diagnosed as lens induced glaucoma.
Whats the pathogenesis of lens induced glaucoma?
Whats emergency treatment of this case?
What r surgical problems of such cases?(RMC)
-Wat is normal peripheral field of vision and by which methods can v check it
Write down different field defects in optic nerve lesions(FMH
---A 45 yr old male comes to u with H/O headache,vomiting and pain in rt.eye,Examination shows corneal edema and shallow ant.chamber and IOP 50mmHg.
-A 2 yr old child presents in OPD with small pupil,ptosis of small degree and iris hypopigmenation
Most likely diagnosis?What ohter signs wud u look for?what advice will b given as ergards the time of surgery?(WMC)
---A middle aged male previously healthy and ahving no visual compplaints presented to eye dept for routine checkup.His best corrected vision was 6/6 for distant N6 for reading glasses,However his iop was 25mmHg in Rt.eye and 22mmHg.
Clinical features of POAG?
Name the visual field defects in POAG?
---Discuss clinical featutes of acute congestive glaucoma?(SIMS)
---A 45 yr old male comes to u with H/O headache,vomiting and pain in rt.eye,Examination shows corneal edema and shallow ant.chamber and IOP 50mmHg.
---a 55 yr old patient with severe ocular pain,in his rt.eye and vomiting,on examination theres marked decrease in vision,hypermature cataract,raised IOP and shallow ant.chamber
What is D/D
Whats most likely diagnosis
How will u manage this case(UMDC)
---A 61yr old lady comes for routine eye examination,her vison becomes 6/6 after refraction,On distant direct ophthalmoscopy her media was clear,fundoscopy showd relatively thinned but pink neuro-retinal rim,cup:disc ratio was 0.9 in both eyes.
What is the most probabale diagnosis
Name 3 tests to support the diagnosis
Briefly describe treatment and follow up plan(CPMC)
A middle aged lady comes to eye opd with H/O rt.eyeball protrusion in 10days duration she has swollen eyelids with incomplete closure of palpebral fissure with decreased vison
give D/Ds and investigations u will do to raech a possible diagnosis(FMH)
-Parents of a 1 yr old boy presented with lt.white pupil for 2 weeks.On examinattion a white mass was projecting feom retina inward along with blood vessels..DDs?how wil u council the parents?treatment options?MMDC
---A 70 yr old male presented to u with sudden painless loss of vision in rt.eye,Hes a known diabetic and hypertensive from the last 20yrs,On examination theres no fundal reflex.
Diagnosis?D/D?Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy?Classify diabetic retonopathy with treatment?
A 30yr old male presesnted with sudden painless loss of vision in rt eye,he has type 1 DM since childhood.Examination shows absent red reflex in rt eye and neovascularization of optic nerve head of lt.eye.diagnosis of both eyes?4 possibles signs in lt.eye?How will u treat lt.eye of the patient?PMC
---A poorly controlled diabetic pt developed gross loss of vision of rt.eye.On examination theres no view of fundus.Left fundus shows microanurysms,hard exudates and neovascularization of optic disc.diagnosis?how will u evaluate?treatment?
--A young diabetic lady presented with gradual decrease in vission in lt.eye which is worse on exposure to sunlight.Give clinical signs on slit lamp experiment.How will u examine retina?treatment options?MMDC
---A 50 yr old diabetic lady with 20 yrs of duration of diabetes presents with gradual painless decreased vision of both eyes.
Give 4 causes of gradual loss of vision?
---What r different risk factors for the development of Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment?Write down different methods of management?(UMDC)
What r treatment madalities of diabetic retinopathy?
what is the cause of raised IOP in terminal stage of proliferative diabetic retinopathy?
--A 65yr old lady presented with slowly deteriorating painless visual loss in L/E for last 1 yr,Shes normo-tensive and normo-glycemic,Best corrected V/A R/E is 6/12 and L/E is 6/60,IOP and pupillary reactions to light were both normal.name 2 most probable causes of this type of visual loss?Investigations?surgical options(RMC)