OSPES 2011-2012
BS OSPE PMC 11.1.12
1. Enlist parasomnias, define any one of them.
2. 5 features of PTSD
3. Erickson's developmental stages
4. 5 principles of sleep hygiene
5. Psychological effects on pain perception, ques was something like this
1. Open and closed ended questions
2. Patient of pulmonary tuberculosis, she thought she is having 'jadu', convince her it is not magic.
3. Break bad news of malignancy to a tv reporter
4. ICU psychosis, features and NPI's.
1. Enlist parasomnias, define any one of them.
2. 5 features of PTSD
3. Erickson's developmental stages
4. 5 principles of sleep hygiene
5. Psychological effects on pain perception, ques was something like this
1. Open and closed ended questions
2. Patient of pulmonary tuberculosis, she thought she is having 'jadu', convince her it is not magic.
3. Break bad news of malignancy to a tv reporter
4. ICU psychosis, features and NPI's.