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- Lng actng tetracycl. Bioavlblty f tertrcycl , mod f actn, tamoxifn uses , hormon dpndnt or nt , pre or post menupausal , vinca alkaloids , pentazocine , selegiline , glargine , beclomethacin uses , ssri advrs efcts , ethusuximid actn , l typ calcium chanels
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- Extrnal.tetracycline clasifctin nd itz advrse efctz ,r tetracyclnz safe 2 use in chldren,co.triamaxole,drugz 4 entric fever,wat is primaquine nd itz use,wat is acyclovir nd itz m.o.a.wat is rifampin nd itz m.o.a.na wat is nystatin nd itz use
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- Internal
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- Ext..cns,endo: antiparkinson drugs clasify wd exampls,carbidopa nd levodopa m c pucha,comt inhb.s ka moa,ex,antideprents m c kafi pucha tha,ssri k use othr thn deprsn,oral hypoglycemics,exmpl,sitagliptin,plamlintide ka moa
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